PTSA Board of Directors - Job Descriptions
WA State PTA BOD Resources:
Click HERE for WA PTA Elected Officials Handbook.
Click HERE for WA State Leadership Guide 
Questions, email PCMS PTSA.
Expanded Committee and Chair list may be found on PCMS PTSA Roster page.


Executive Committee (Elected Officers)



· Plan and lead monthly Board of Directors and Membership meetings.

· Maintain the President notebook and pass it on to the incoming President.

· Lead the PTSA toward the specific goals approved by the membership.

· Understand the objectives of the PTSA, Washington State PTA Bylaws, and local unit standing rules.

· Be aware of and utilize resources from Issaquah PTSA Council, State PTA, and National PTA.

· Sign all binding agreements on behalf of the PTSA.

· Attend and vote as a delegate at monthly Issaquah PTSA Council meetings or send a delegate in his/her place.

· Attend PTSA/Principal meetings as needed.

· Be aware of key dates, deadlines, and priorities for the school and PTSA.

· Work with the Director of Communications to ensure that the works, priorities, activities, successes, and needs of the PTSA are communicated to the membership.

· Work with the Director of Volunteers to ensure that all committees have a Chair or co-Chairs and understand their responsibilities.

· Work with the Treasurer to ensure that the PTSA money is accounted for properly.

· Work with the Budget Committee to establish the budget for the year.

· Make appointments to positions and committees as designated in the Standing Rules with approval of the Executive Committee.

· Disseminate and communicate all information received pertinent to PTSA programs.

· Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except nominating committee.

· Keep complete roster of all standing and special committee Chairs filled by the Board.


The President oversees the following committees:

o 6th grade Parent Coffee (Web Day)

o Standards of Excellence - SOE



· Attend monthly Board of Directors and Membership meetings.

· Maintain the Treasurer notebook and pass it on to the incoming Treasurer.

· Receive and issue receipts for all PTSA funds.

· Make bank deposits promptly.

· Manage accounts payable from July 1st to June 30th according to the approved budget.

· Renew and pay for insurance.

· Keep a current, accurate and detailed account of all funds and input data into MoneyMinder, or other accounting software as designated by the PTSA.

· Supply copy of monthly reports to secretary by the 5th of each month.

· Prepare and present written monthly financial reports at the PTSA Board and General Membership meetings.

· Serves as chairperson of the budget committee; lead new budget process in spring for the following year.

· Oversee financial review processes in February and early July.

· Submit materials to accountant for Federal Tax Return for year served.

· Maintain one copy of the PTSA Legal Documents notebook (Secretary has the other one)

· Pay all state corporation fees (i.e., Charitable Solicitations and Incorporation Annual Report).


The Treasurer oversees the following committees:

o Budget committee

o Financial Review committee

o School Enrichment Grants




· Attend monthly Board of Directors and Membership meetings.

· Maintain the Secretary notebook and pass it on to the incoming Secretary.

· Keep accurate minutes of all meetings.

· If unable to attend a meeting, ask someone to act as Secretary to present minutes from previous meeting and take minutes of current meeting.

· Provide the minutes (both draft and approved) to be posted on the PTSA website.

· Record attendance and determine existence of quorum at all PTSA meetings.

· Responsible for correspondence as designated by President.

· Maintain second copy of the Legal Documents notebook (Treasurer has the other one)

· By June 30 of the current school year, ensure that both copies of the Legal Documents notebooks are in order and ready to transfer to the new officers.


The Secretary oversees the following committees:

o PTSA Awards (Golden Acorn, Outstanding Educator, Outstanding Advocate)


VP of Programs and Events:

· Attend monthly Board of Directors and Membership meetings.

· Maintain the Programs notebook and pass it on to the incoming VP of Programs.

· With the help of the board, recruit committee Chairs for programs and events. Notify the Board of a Chair vacancy well in advance.

· Work with committee Chairs to ensure that accurate and detailed notes, instructions, and financial records are kept for each program.

· Disseminate lists of volunteers to committee Chairs for programs listed below.

· Send requests for volunteers as necessary, utilizing e-news, PeachJar, email, and State PTSA database as appropriate.

· Update and maintain Program/Event Evaluation Forms for committees overseen.

· Present a brief status report on programs at Board and Membership meetings.

· Ensure that the PTSA website and event pages are updated as information becomes available.

· Work with the Executive Committee to establish a well-balanced PTSA events calendar prior to the start of the school year.

· Work closely with the President and Treasurer to establish financial goals for all events. Present significant financial changes to the Board and/or the general membership for review and approval as required by the Bylaws.

· Present a brief recap of recent events and provide information regarding upcoming events at Board and Membership meetings.


The VP of Programs and Events oversees the following committees:

o School Social

o 8th Grade Party/Promotion/signs

o Reflections Art Competition

o Staff Appreciation - monthly breakfasts, quarterly lunches, and Staff Appreciation Week

o Cultural Fair/Talent Show (alternates each year)

o Java With Jeff


VP of Campus Support:

· Attend monthly Board of Directors and Membership meetings or provide a written report to the President.

· Maintain the Volunteers notebook and pass it on to the incoming Director of Volunteers.

· With the help of the board, recruit committee Chairs for Campus support. Notify the Board of a Chair vacancy well in advance.

· Work with committee Chairs to ensure that accurate and detailed notes, instructions, and financial records are kept for each program.

· Disseminate lists of volunteers to committee Chairs for programs listed below.

· Update and maintain Program/Event Evaluation Forms for committees overseen.

· Ensure that the PTSA website is updated as information becomes available with committee information.

· Present a brief recap of recent events and provide information regarding upcoming events at Board and Membership meetings.

· Determine a plan to recognize volunteers at the end of the year.

· Send requests for volunteers as necessary, utilizing e-news, PeachJar, email, and State PTSA database as appropriate for committees below.


The VP of Campus Support oversees the following committees:

o Bus Loading Helpers

o Career Fair

o New Family Welcome

o Picture Make Up and Re-take Days

o Vision & Hearing Screening

o Supports school office with volunteers on an as-needed basis


Directors (appointed positions)

The positions below are appointed and report to the President or other Executive Committee member as indicated by committee oversight lists above.

Director of Advocacy:

· Attend Board of Directors and Membership meetings or provide a written report to the President.

· Maintain the Advocacy notebook with news, events, and contact information for the Council, region and state Advocacy reps. Pass this notebook on to the incoming Director of Advocacy.

· Receive and disseminate information from Issaquah PTSA Council and State Legislative Reps.

· With approval of the President, pass information on to the membership via email, eNewsletter, and/or the website.

· Provide a report at all meetings of the Advocacy issues, news, and events pertaining to our district and the state.

· Submit articles for eNews and the website.


Director of Communications:

· Attend monthly Board of Directors and Membership meetings or provide a written report to the President.

· Work with other Board members to ensure that committee Chairs for all programs and events have a communication plan.

· Solicit/create/compile articles for weekly e-News and PeachJar.

· Maintain website; work with Webmaster to ensure information for the website is relevant, accurate, and updated on an ongoing basis.


The Director of Communications oversees the following positions and committees:

o Webmaster

o eNewsletter Editor

o Social Media Manager

o PeachJar Manager


Director of Membership:

· Attend Board of Directors and Membership meetings or provide a written report to the President.

· Maintain the Membership notebook and pass it on to the incoming Director of Membership.

· Create and execute membership campaign designed to accomplish membership goals.

· Enter all members into the State PTA database.

· Work with the treasurer to ensure dues collected match the number of members recorded.

· Ensure that fees are remitted to the PTSA Council.

· Provide membership roster at all General Membership meetings.

· Update and maintain the online Student Directory


The Director Membership oversees the following committees:

o School Directory

o New Family ambassador


Director of Outreach:

· Attend monthly Board of Directors and Membership meetings or provide a written report to the President.

· Manage program that helps support PCMS students and families who are struggling and need some extra assistance.

· Manage the list of Outreach Angels.

· Contact the Outreach Angels when there is a need as indicated by the principal.

· Communicate directly with the principal secretary regarding student and community needs.

· Manage the Power Packs program with the school counselor. Arrange to have power packs picked up from the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank and brought to the school once a month.

· Organize and manage the Toiletry Closet at the school working with the school nurse and principal to create a list of needs to send to the Outreach Angels.



ASB Liaison

· Attend monthly Board of Directors and Membership meetings or provide a written report to the President.

· Maintain the PTSA/ASB Liaison notebook and pass it on to the incoming PTSA/ASB Liaison.

· Attend ASB meetings and provide a PTSA update to the ASB Advisor.

· Receive and disseminate information from the ASB Advisor.


The ASB Liaison oversees the following committees:

o Food Drive

o ASB Socials

o Locker Checks

o Student Store

o School Fundraiser


FACE Director:

· Works together with the Registrar of the school office to welcome and assist families.

· Supports cultural events and activities

· Liaison with FACE chair of the Issaquah PTSA Council

· Liaison with Cultural and Family Partnerships of the Issaquah School District.

· Liaison with the Cultural Bridges Program of the Issaquah Schools Foundation.